Crystal Healing Guides
Page is still under construction, here is a start!
*Disclaimer-Using crystals to self heal is highly beneficial, they are meant to be used in conjunction with your medical care, not in place of medical care be it traditional or natural.*
Why does this work? There is actually logical proof through science and research from many angles of people, places and things! The simple answer is two-fold.
Energy uses vibration in the form of "waves" to communicate, everything living thing on this planet has an energy field that constantly sends and receives these waves of information. Crystals vibrate at frequencies that also send information, increasing the energy or vibration in a certain area of your body. In addition to this crystals are formed from minerals on this planet, just as your body needs minerals to properly function. These minerals can pass from the stone to your skin and be absorbed into your body, aiding the ailment. *Another disclaimer- yes there ARE certain crystals you should NOT wear on your body OR use as internal elixir as they can be toxic. Research carefully from trusted sources before you place a crystal on your skin*
With that out of the way, I can tell you that MOST of the crystals we have and that are in the mainstream market are not going to hurt you, they can only help!
As a self proclaimed crystal geek, I will gladly talk more about all of the amazing properties these crystals hold and what they can help with- please feel free to email me any questions you may have. Sharing knowledge and experiences are fun! ~Kris